David Gyulnazaryan

I am leading energy and sustainability expert committed to pioneering decarbonization and heat reuse technologies in data centers globally.

About David

With a profound understanding of data center design in combination with environmental impact, David's strategy aims to reshape the data centre industry towards more sustainable practices.Follow me for industry insights.


David holistic approach delivers enhancements across the entire data center stack, employing the latest technological advancements not just to increase computational power but also to optimize efficiency, and therefore sustainability.

  • Software

  • Hardware

  • Cooling / Heat Transfer

  • Facility

  • Heat Reuse

Our Mission

Our mission is to drive the data center industry towards zero emissions by promoting genuine sustainable development.

  • Heat Reuse (Combined Heat & Compute)

  • Decarbonization

Consulting Services

Leverage our deep industry knowledge for your data center's sustainability transition. Our services include strategic planning, implementation of cutting-edge technologies, and optimization of energy use.

Let's Connect

Get in touch, or subscribe to my content to learn more about the latest sustainable innovations.